Packin' Neat Product Sizing

The Packin' Neat system is a combination of purse organizer and holster all in one. The perfect solution to keeping your firearm properly positioned, separated and easily accessible while organizing your purse at the same time. Use the available pockets to house extra magazines, cell phone, car keys, wallet, and more. The Packin' Neat solution turns almost any purse into a concealed carry purse. No need to purchase 'special' concealed carry purses in a variety of colors or use unique holsters based on outfits.
Step 1: Choose the Packin' Neat holster that fits your purse - the Tactical, The Boss or The Skinny and now the NEW Mini .
The Packin' Neat system is designed to adjust to the interior of your purse. The Tactical model fits in large and medium sized purses and adjusts to fit. The Boss is designed for larger purses, bags or totes. The Skinny is design specifically for thin or divided purses and briefcases. The Tactical, Boss and Skinny require approximately 8" in height to accommodate a firearm in the muzzle down position plus holster and flap. The NEW Mini is designed only for small firearms and small purses.
Step 2: Choose your firearm or other configuration.
What is the general size/shape of your firearm? Please note Compact, Subcompact, Revolver, Other are specific to Packin' Neat and may not be the same classification as the firearm manufacturer. Use the chart below to tell us what your firearm most closely resembles or look at our list of popular firemarms below:

The NEW Mini

Side View

On Orders over $125
Other size holster popular options:
Kimber Double Shot
Taser C2
Stun Gun models
*** Contact us if you have 'extras' like a laser
which may change the footprint of your firearm.
Compact size holster popular firearms include:
Glock G19
Glock G42
Glock G43
Glock 643
Glock 30S
Kel-Tec PF9
Kimber Solo
Kimber Ultra Carry
Ruger LC9S
Sig Sauer P229
Sig Sauer P290
Sig Sauer P935
Sig Sauer P239
Sig Sauer P365
Springfield XD, XDM, XDS
S&W M&P Shield
Taurus 605PLY
Taurus PT-709
Taurus 111G2
Taser Pulse
~ Most concealed carry firearms over 6" in length
Subcompact size holster popular firearms include:
Berreta Nano
Bond Arms Backup
Kahr 380
Ruger LC9
Ruger LCP
S&W Bodyguard 380
Sig Sauer P238
Taurus TCP
Walther PPK
Kahr PM40
~Most concealed carry firearms under 6" in length
Revolver size holster popular firearms include:
Charter Arms Pink Lady
Ruger LCR
Ruger SP101
S&W Centennial 442 Airweight
S&W Model 64
S&W Model 60 3" Barrel
~Most concealed carry 'J' frame models
Large Barrel Revolver size holster
Larger barrel/cylinder revolvers
Contact us if you have any questions or would like to verify sizing.
The Packin' Neat holster system is designed so only the firearm will be revealed upon retrieval, leaving the removable holster insert behind. The Packin' Neat system is engineered to include hook and loop as well as non-slip fabrics to secure the holster insert in place.
***Note: Compact, subcompact and revolver sizing is specific to the Packin' Neat line. Use the above pictorial to determine the proper sizing or simply tell us what you carry and we'll make sure to provide the right fit.
Contact us directly if you have questions on selecting the right option for you at:
To ensure the proper fit at the time of ordering feel free to provide the make and model of your firearm or other carry item and we will make the proper selection. Contact us if you have an unusual firearm, have a laser or other add-on's which may alter the holster selection.