We offer Expedited Shipping using FEDEX or USPS Priority Express for those last minute gifts.
Simply add the Expedited Shipping item (below) to your cart and we will ship via FEDEX (FedEx Express Saver or similar) or USPS (Priority Express, Priority Holiday/Weekend Delivery).
Please note we do not guarantee the arrival date/time. Delivery is subject to FEDEX shipping dates/times/weather or USPS shipping locations/dates/times/weather, etc.
NOTE: This will add expedited FedEx (or USPS) Shipping to your order. Shipping via FedEx is limited to locations FedEx services. Delivery dates are subject to the carrier and are not guaranteed.
At the point of purchase, please let us know if you are requesting a specific shipper. We will do our best to send your package out as soon as possible using the best shipping option (FedEx or USPS or your designated shipper) based on cost, time of day, delivery timing (arrival day), etc. In some cases we may need to contact you to share options/additional costs/expected delivery etc. Letting us know the requested delivery date will assist us in determining the best method.

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